UFO Events & Sightings Two sightings of globular or disk-shaped objects are corroborated by two crew members each of two separate planes over Wonsan and Sunchon, Korea by jessehollar January 29, 1952 January 29, 1952 363 views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
UFO Events & Sightings Two pilots and nine passengers of the regular plane from Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa watch a large cigar-shaped vessel hover above Mount Kilimanjaro for 17 minutes by jessehollar February 19, 1951 February 19, 1951 360 views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
UFO Events & Sightings Six people see a moon-sized disk hover over the city of Orangeburg, South Carolina for 15 minutes by jessehollar March 10, 1950 March 10, 1950 387 views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
UFO Events & Sightings Sightings of saucer-shaped objects are reported in Alexandria, Virginia by jessehollar July 9, 1949 July 9, 1949 372 views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
UFO Events & Sightings A newspaper editor and his son see a ray or blob of light sweeping in from the southeast over West Palm Beach, Florida at 2:00 AM by jessehollar February 21, 1948 February 21, 1948 357 views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail
UFO Events & Sightings Kenneth Arnold UFO Sightings by jessehollar June 24, 1947 June 24, 1947 1.1K views FacebookTwitterRedditEmail