UFO Research Groups

See also:

United States of America (USA)

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

Based at the Pentagon, this department was responsible for a variety of research projects; as one Air Force colonel said ‘their task is to explore the far-out stuff’. It was AFOSR which was to choose a suitable university to implement the investigations of sightings as recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee. They suggested the University of Colorado which was to culminate in the Condon Report.

The AFOSR acted as intermediary between the Air Force and the University, the Air Force wishing to remove itself from obvious direct involvement.

Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

AFOSI, based at Bowling Air Force Base, DC, is held to have a long history of clandestine UFO research on behalf of the United States government. At one time Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO established that AFOSI had monitored their activities.

AFOSI documents leaked over the years have indicated their knowledge of UFO investigations by other services, such as NASA.

Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC)

A unit of the United States government and military which received official reports of UFO phenomena and the organisation which, it is alleged, delivered a report to General Vandenberg on August 5, 1948, concluding that UFOs were interplanetary in origin. It is held that Vandenberg dismissed the top secret ‘estimate of the situation’ and ordered that the report be destroyed as it could cause panic and because it was not substantiated by sufficient proof. The unit was based at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.


Archives for the Unexplained (AFU)

Archives for the Unexplained, formerly known as Archives for UFO Research is a depository dedicated to collecting materials about UFOs, ufology, Forteana, cryptozoology, paranormal phenomena and folklore. AFU is a nonprofit foundation situated in Norrköping, Sweden.