Two pilots and nine passengers of the regular plane from Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa watch a large cigar-shaped vessel hover above Mount Kilimanjaro for 17 minutes

  • Location: Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa/Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Date: February 19, 1951

Two pilots and nine passengers of the regular plane from Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa, saw a large cigar-shaped vessel, at first quite stationary over the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, then, as the plane came closer, rise rapidly at what was estimated to be 1,000 miles per hour and disappear at 44,000 feet. The vessel was judged to be about 200 feet long, brilliantly polished save for four duller bars which ran vertically down its body. It had a huge fin or paddle-rudder at the stern. There was no exhaust. All told, the craft was in view for 17 minutes. One of the passengers is reported to have taken a photo of the object, although this photo has been remarkable by its absence.

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