Five adults and seven children arrived at the Hopkinsville police station claiming that small alien creatures from a spaceship were attacking their farmhouse, and that they had been holding them off with gunfire “for nearly four hours”. Two of the adults claimed they had been shooting at a few short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the doorway or peered into the windows.

On the evening of August 21, 1955, five adults and seven children arrived at the Hopkinsville police station claiming that small alien creatures from a spaceship were attacking their farmhouse, and that they had been holding them off with gunfire “for nearly four hours”. Two of the adults, Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor, claimed they had been shooting at a few short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the doorway or peered into the windows. One of the creatures was seen approaching the farmhouse with both hands raised. When it was about twenty feet away, two of the witnesses shot at the intruder. It “did a flip” and was lost in the darkness. Then it appeared at the window when the men came back inside the house and was again shot at. Another creature, seen on the roof, was knocked over by a bullet, but instead of falling, it floated to the ground.

The entities had oversized heads, almost perfectly round, and very long arms, terminating in huge hands armed with talons. They wore a sort of glowing aluminum suit, which is reminiscent of the sylphs of 1491. Their eyes were very large and apparently very sensitive. They always approached the house from the darkest corner. The eyes had no pupils and no eyelids. The eyes were much larger than human eyes and set on the side of the head. The creatures generally walked upright, but when shot at, they would run on all fours with extreme rapidity, and their arms seemed to provide most of the propulsion.

 The Kentucky New Era, the first paper to report the incident, amplified the number of entities to “12 to 15,” and that number continues to be reported.

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