Policeman Lonnie Zamora reports seeing two small beings, dressed in white, close to a shiny egg-shaped object, which rested on four pads before it took off with a thunderous noise—only to become perfectly silent as it flew away.

  • Date: April 24, 1964
  • Location: near Socorro, New Mexico
  • Person(s) involved: Lonnie Zamora

In the celebrated incident at Socorro, New Mexico, it was a policeman, Lonnie Zamora, who reported seeing two small beings, dressed in white, close to a shiny egg-shaped object, which rested on four pads before it took off with a thunderous noise—only to become perfectly silent as it flew away. The incident took place on April 24, 1964, and was the occasion for some interesting measurements (by local police officials and a Federal Bureau of Investigation man) of the traces left by the object, and of some even more interesting deductions by William T. Powers on the possible mechanical construction of the landing gear. When Lonnie Zamora was about to be interviewed by Air Force investigators, he was so little convinced that he had observed a device of human construction that he asked to see a priest before releasing his report to the authorities.

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